Full Academic IELTS Online Course

Need intensive Academic IELTS prep? This online course has over 40 hours of reading, writing, speaking, and listening material.

Course Summary

Looking to take the Academic IELTS? This course is specifically designed to help you achieve a band score higher than 6, which is typically required by Canadian immigration programs.

The course comprehensively covers all four skills assessed in the IELTS: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. It is structured to provide you with a deep understanding of key grammar and vocabulary, along with effective strategies to help you succeed. Firstly, in the Test Format Section, you will gain a thorough understanding of the exam's structure. Next, the Skill-Building Section will take you through in-depth reviews of each skill, equipping you with the necessary knowledge and practice to excel. Additionally, the course includes an Interview Review Section, specifically designed to prepare you for the speaking component of the exam. Lastly, you will have access to our IELTS Toolkit, offering essential vocabulary, grammatical structures, and more!  

One of the standout features of this course is that it is self-paced, granting you complete freedom to choose when to take lessons and the convenience to save your progress along the way. The estimated completion time for the course is approximately 40 hours, although it may vary depending on your current proficiency level and the extent to which you explore the supplementary resources available.  

Embark on this Academic IELTS course and pave the way towards achieving the score you desire, all while enjoying the flexibility and convenience it offers.

Course Curriculum


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